Individual Attention and Counselling

Individual Attention and Counselling

The gifted students are identified and careful consideration is given to the uniqueness of every student. The school takes into account the requirements of the students and provides appropriate motivation and assistance to bring the best out of them.

The slow-learners/low-achievers are identified and the school provides the necessary support for their improvement with personal care. If need be, such students are given special coaching after school hours. If the student is found to be adamant and non-cooperative, then such issues are communicated to the parents for further action. If both the students and the parents are not interested, then the school will be left with no alternative, except to remove the names of such students from the school rolls.

The problematic students are identified and all possible measures are taken by the school to counsel / correct them. The same is communicated to the parents. However, if things are beyond rectification / correction, then the names of such students are removed from the school rolls with the consent of the parents.

Professional guidance is provided to students in resolving personal and psychological problems. Students lacking purpose and courage are given suitable advice.